Our Board

Making a difference for the families in our care.


Katie Hunt-Rotolo


Owner | McDonald's
Hunt Enterprises, Inc.

Eric Blumencranz

Vice Chairman

Managing Director, Principal I NFP

Kyle L. Markland


Municipal Credit Union

Philip Sammut


Owner & CEO |
Pedestals Floral Decorators, Inc.

Jordan Ziegler, Esq.

2nd Vice Chairman

Partner | Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano, LLP

Melissa Feeney


Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer | Bethpage Federal Credit Union

Michael Fallarino

Chairman Emeritus

Retired/Director of Finance Farrell Fritz P.C.


George Bingold

Retired/First Vice President
Roslyn Savings Bank

Theresa Brucculeri

Philanthropist &
Business Owner

Lois Christie

Owner and President
Christie & Co. Salon, Inc.

Nick Croce

Retired/Director of Operations
IBM Corporation

Laura Curran

Former Nassau County Executive

Vincent DiRico

Owner Luigi's Italian Restaurant & Harrison's

Anthony Esernio

Market President
Suburban New York
TD Bank

Lauren Hendel Frew

McDonald's Owner Operator
Hendel Products Group

Vito Giannola, Esq.

Giannola & Associates P.C.

Lisa Kravet

Owner & Principal
Kravet, Inc.

Cynthia Wong Lippe

Development leadership
Strategic growth

Dr. Carolyn Milana

Chair, Department of Pediatrics | Physician in Chief Stony Brook Children's Hospital

Ellen M. Miller, MBA

Associate Vice President of Operations
Stony Brook Children's Hospital and Women's Health Services

Dr. Charles Schleien, MD, MBA

Senior Vice President
Cohen Children's Medical Center & Pediatric Services

Paul Trause

Financial Advisor
Ameriprise, Inc.

Christopher Tsarsi

Chris & Tony's

Kelli Turner

RSL Venture Partners

Chief Executive Officer

Matthew Campo